Module Snabbdom_base

module Snabbdom_base: sig .. end
Main snabbdom functions

exception Not_supported
This snabbdom function is not supported
type patchfn = Snabbdom_vnode.t -> Snabbdom_vnode.t -> unit 
A Snabbdom patch function (returned by `init`) which takes an old DOM element or vnode and patches it to match a new vnode
type snabbdom_module 
This type refers to a Snabbdom Module. Any modules with this type can be passed to `init` to create a patching function.

See the Snabbdom documentation for details on modules

If you've built a custom module, you can define it using:

external my_module : snabbdom_module = "default" [@@bs.module "path/to/module"]

val init : snabbdom_module array -> patchfn
Create a Snabbdom patch function from an array of snabbdom modules.
val h : string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer list -> Snabbdom_vnode.t
The recommended function for creating Snabbdom vnodes. Note this function doesn't work exactly like Snabbdom's `h` function

Since we're working in a different language, bs-snabbdom provides a slightly different h function for constructing the vnodes that better works with OCaml.

The first parameter is the same as Snabbdom's - an html selector describing the element type and any classes/id to apply to the element.

The second parameter takes a list of Snabbdom_vnode.transformer functions, which specify how to create the vnode. Some transformers are implemented in this module below.

Usage example:

h "div.section" [
  style "border" "1px solid black";
  text "Hello World!"

val children : Snabbdom_vnode.t list -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
Add child vnodes
val text : string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
Adds text to the body of the node
val key : string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
Sets the Snabbdom key for this node. Use this on lists of items to help Snabbdom reconcile the old and new nodes and reuse nodes that belong to the same key when reordering the list.
val nothing : Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
Don't transform the Snabbdom_vnode.t. Can be useful for if statements:

if is_active then class_name "is-active" else nothing

val module_attributes : snabbdom_module
val attr : string -> string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
val module_class : snabbdom_module
val class_name : string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
val module_style : snabbdom_module
val style : string -> string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
val style_delayed : string -> string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer
val style_remove : string -> string -> Snabbdom_vnode.transformer