Module Snabbdom_vnode

module Snabbdom_vnode: sig .. end
The VNode module provides types and functions for interacting with native Snabbdom vdom nodes

type t 
Represents a Snabbdom vnode
type transformer = t -> t 
A transformer is any function which modifies a Snabbdom vnode.
val empty : unit -> t
val set_sel : t -> string -> unit
val set_data : t -> Snabbdom_data.t -> unit
val set_children : t -> t array -> unit
val set_text : t -> string -> unit
val set_key : t -> string -> unit
val clear_text : t -> unit
val get_children : t -> t array option
val get_elm : t -> Dom.element option
val get_text : t -> string option
val set_in_data : string array -> 'a -> t -> t
Sets an object property somewhere in the vnode data object.

Pass an array of strings representing the path to the property to be set, followed by the property value. Intermediate objects will be created if they don't already exist.

For example, to set the vnode's key property like the following (in JavaScript): = "xyz"


let vnode = set_in_data [|"ns"|] "xyz" vnode

exception Element_with_id_not_found of string
Exception raised when Snabbdom_vnode.from_dom_id is called with an element id that does not exist.
val from_dom_id : string -> t
Create a VNode from an element in the DOM with the specified id.

This function may raise an Snabbdom_vnode.Element_with_id_not_found exception.

val of_dom_element : Dom.element -> t
Compile-time conversion of DOM elements to a Snabbdom vnode.

This function doesn't actually do anything at runtime. Since the Snabbdom patch function allows us to use an existing DOM element as an 'old' vnode, this function just explicitly tells the compiler that we know what we're doing.